onsdag 21 september 2011

This is our God

This is our God - Hillsong

all for the glory of God, through Jesus Christ and by the Holy spirit

söndag 18 september 2011

the Gospel of John, Movie

watch and enjoy,

Jesus is Lord

tisdag 13 september 2011

How can you refuse Jesus Christ after what he did for us?

brook fraser - how can you refuse him now


to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be the glory and the honour all through Jesus Christ our Lord, and by the Holy Ghost.


söndag 11 september 2011

Love, where is your fire - brook fraser (very sweet song)

Love, where is your fire - brooke fraser

enjoy this sweet melody, brook fraser, her voice is so wonderful,  

this blogger is still active:), iam just waiting upon the Lord, for more testimony, iam praying for a strong foundation in my life, once again Jesus Christ and God are the main focus in my life as christian man, ive asked the Lord for more obedience and faith, towards him, and him being faithful, i believe he will answer my prayer according to his will, not mine....Jesus is my Lord, he is still moving in my life, i want him to move and take controll of all of my life, because it is good, and the Lord God my God in him i trust, but Jesus Christ being the way, the truth and Life, (john 14:6) ive realised that i must go pass through Jesus Christ, to reach to God, Amen.

ps: by the way the Lord blessed me with a new laptop, to God be the glory through Jesus Christ the Lord my God, and by the Holy spirit, amen

fredag 2 september 2011

God's word is so amazing

torsdag 1 september 2011

Ninda yesu - Judith Babirye